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Can YouTube Really Be Your Job?

Over the years the online community has vastly taken over the traditional media and at the present moment YouTube is the highest used search engine surpassing Google. Day by day the number of You Tubers keeps on increasing regardless of the age and the country. There are many big sensational You Tubers such as Lilly Singh, Alex Wasabi, Logan Paul, Ryan Higa who have become world known You Tubers with millions of followers and billions of views. So the question has popped into several young and mature populations whether they could make YouTube a career or a job.The following article is a combination of the answers of several interviews by the popular You Tubers on their opinions and a definite must read if you are interested in a YouTube career.

The Beginning On To the Platform

Many of the You Tubers have discovered their passion before entering YouTube which can be video gaming, DIY projects, comedic acts, cooking, wedding photography etc. When the passion is clearly understood then the theme of the channel is well set. This step is crucial as you will be gaining followers who are having the same interest as you when the time passes. Visit this link to find out more reviews regarding wedding photography.

Money Making

YouTube has evolved from just another search engine to the most popular in the time passed and therefore, the quality of the content has to be much higher than a few years ago for you to trend among the people. However, according to the big YouTube sensation it does not generate money as soon as you start uploading videos. YouTube is also a business running to obtain profits therefore, when it identifies potential candidate in the making who will be great creators in the future it will start investing in you.


As mentioned previously it has become a very competitive platform and you simply cannot get away by uploading a low quality video. If you are serious about the platform and making a career out of it, the best thing to do would be to hire a videographer and a good editor. Make sure these people are well-versed in the area you are interested as photography too is an art where there are specializations. For example, if your theme is to portray your destination wedding photography skills, then make sure your videographer and editor are well-versed in that area.


Trends in the digital market changes every day and You Tubers are known to grab on to these trends and make videos about them before the trend becomes outdated which means that unlike any other job, you would not be having a 9-5 day where you will have to sometimes dedicate more than 18 hours a day for your YouTube career. Flexibility to these time changes can make you a successful You Tuber.YouTube as any other organization is driven by profits and therefore the amount of effort you put in to the platform can determine how much you earn from it and it will determine whether you will actually make a career out of YouTube or not. It is all about the amount of work that you are willing to put in that will determine how much you are getting paid.

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